acedia::MockActor Class Reference

A MockActor is intended to connect a 'plain-old-thread' with acedia actors. More...

#include <mockactor.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void setExitReason (boost::int32_t reason)
 Set the exit reason to reason.
void receiveAndInvoke (Invoker &imp)
 See Actor::receiveAndInvoke.
template<class CaseClass >
void waitFor ()
 See Actor::waitFor.
bool tryReceiveAndInvoke (Invoker &imp)
 See Actor::tryReceiveAndInvoke.
bool receiveAndInvokeWithin (Invoker &imp, boost::uint16_t msTimeout)
 See Actor::receiveAndInvokeWithin.
Message receive ()
bool tryReceive (Message &storage)
 See Actor::tryReceive.
bool receiveWithin (Message &storage, boost::uint16_t msTimeout)
 See Actor::receiveWithin.
 operator ActorRef () const
 Operator to cast to an ActorRef pointing to this MockActor.
void send (ActorRef &receiver, const Any &v1)
 Send a message to receiver.
void reply (const Any &val1)
 See Actor::reply.

Detailed Description

A MockActor is intended to connect a 'plain-old-thread' with acedia actors.

MockActor provides send and receive member functions to communicate with other actors. The most of these functions are blocking.

A MockActor is indiscernible from other actors at communication.

The destructor of MockActor 'fakes' an exit to all linked actors with the exit reason set by setExitReason (default is normal exit).

MockActor does always trap exits

Definition at line 57 of file mockactor.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

Message acedia::MockActor::receive (  ) 

@ brief See Actor::receive.

Definition at line 247 of file mockactor.cpp.

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