Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
acedia::AbstractActorDescribes all possible operations on an actor. A concrete actor may be one of Actor or ActorProxy
acedia::ActorThis class describes an actor
acedia::ActorKilledExceptionThrown if an actor was killed (e.g. because a linked actor died)
acedia::ActorProxyAn ActorProxy is an actor that runs on a different node in the network
acedia::ActorRefActorRef describes a reference (or link) to a local actor or proxy
acedia::AnyA class that can hold any value
acedia::AnyArrayDescribes an immutable, fixed-length array
acedia::ClassCastExceptionThrown by Any to indicate that your requestet type doesn't match the internal stored type
acedia::Either< Left, Right >Represents a value of one of two possible types (Left or Right)
acedia::ExceptionBase class for all acedia exceptions
acedia::IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionThrown to indicate that an index is out of range
acedia::IOExceptionThrown to indicate that an IO operation failed
acedia::MessageImmutable, fixed-length array
acedia::MetaClassMetaClass holds informations about data types
acedia::MockActorA MockActor is intended to connect a 'plain-old-thread' with acedia actors
acedia::NotDeserializableExceptionThrown to indicate that the given string could not be deserialized
acedia::NullPointerExceptionThrown to indicate that you tried to invoke a method on a null pointer
acedia::PublishingResultStores the result of a publish-call
acedia::ReferenceCountedBase class for reference counted objects
acedia::StringString is a thread safe wrapper around std::string that uses implicit sharing
acedia::ToStringConverter< T >Extendable toString feature of acedia
acedia::TupleTuples are immutable containers and can contain different types of elements
acedia::UnitUnit is analogue to void
acedia::util::AbstractEndianAwareStreamBase of all other endian aware stream classes
acedia::util::EndianAwareInputStreamDescribes a write-only, endian aware stream
acedia::util::EndianAwareOutputStreamDescribes a read-only, endian aware stream
acedia::util::EndianAwareStreamDescribes a random access, endian aware stream
acedia::util::EndianConverterConverts the local endian to big endian if needed
acedia::util::ExclusiveLockGuardA simple guard that calls exclusiveLock() on construction and exclusiveUnlock() on destruction
acedia::util::IfElseType< VAL, T1, T2 >type expands to T1 if VAL != 0; otherise it expands to T2
acedia::util::List< T >A thread safe, serializable copy-on-write list
acedia::util::ResultOf< N, >Get the type at position N
acedia::util::RWSpinlockA spinlock that allows multiple shared locks but only one exclusive lock (at a time)
acedia::util::SemaphoreA counting semaphore implementation
acedia::util::SharedLockGuardA simple guard that calls sharedLock() on construction and sharedUnlock() on destruction
acedia::util::SpinlockA Spinlock is a lock where the thread simply waits in a loop ("spins") repeatedly checking until the lock becomes available
acedia::util::SpinlockGuardA simple guard that locks on construction and unlocks on destruction. Similiar to boost::lock_guard
acedia::WSAStartupFailedExceptionThrown to indicate that WSAStartup failed. This exception is thrown only on the windows plattform

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